Pool Rules
Revised and Updated Rules were Effective June 2020
The following rules and regulations have been established for the protection and benefit of all the members of the Club and their guests. They have been established to assure the safe and sanitary operations of the facilities.
The Parents will be responsible for instructing their children on the rules and regulations of the Club. They are to comply with the instructions of the Pool Manager, Staff and Board.
Club Hours
12n to 8:00pm, starting Monday, June 22nd. The Club closes Labor Day.
· The pool may be kept open until 9:00 PM on exceptionally hot nights when it would otherwise be scheduled to close at 8:00 PM - The members present will pay the lifeguards directly in cash if the club remains open.
· The pool may close earlier than scheduled when weather is cold or inclement.
· The preceding two bullets will be left to the discretion of the manager, assistant manager or the board.
General Health and Safety
· All Members, Guests, and visitors, including children using the club facilities and parking area, do so at their own risk. The Club will not be responsible for any accident in connection with such use.
· Please check in with the front desk person upon arrival or exit.
· The Club will not be responsible for lost or stolen articles.
· Admission to the pools may be refused to anyone with colds, coughs, eye inflammation, infections, wearing a bandage, or reasons which could possibly cause contamination of the water or spread of disease.
· Please review the New Jersey COVID-19 Outdoor Pool Standards located on our website www.gcswimclub.com
· No glass containers of any kind will be allowed anywhere on the Club grounds.
· No pets will be allowed within the Club Grounds.
· No abusive language shall be used by any member or guest
· Alcoholic beverages will not be permitted on the premises except at club sponsored adult parties.
· Spitting and nose blowing in the pool is prohibited.
· No running, wrestling, ball playing or undue disturbance will be tolerated in the change house, snack bar or pool areas.
· For Health and Safety reasons, children or persons may be ordered out of the pools by lifeguards or pool manager.
· All bathers are requested to soap shower before entering the premises.
· All bicycles must be stored neatly in the designated area. No riding is permitted within the club areas.
· No gum chewing within club grounds.
· Bathers are not permitted to dry bathing suits within club area.
· Proper bathing attire is required, Children in diapers or training pants are not permitted in the main pool
· No shoes are allowed in the pool. Basketball/ athletic shorts may not be worn in the pool, and thong or cheeky cut bottoms are not allowed.
· Privately owned chairs, tables and umbrellas may be left throughout the season in your designated spot. No glass tables are permitted. Please keep your area free from trash and excess belongings.
-​ No chairs permitted on the main pool deck, they must remain at your spot.
Children who have not reached their tenth birthday as of September 30 and do not have a “white band” will not be permitted within club grounds unless accompanied by a parent or person who is 15 years of age or older.
· Children 10 and older, or children who will reach their 10th birthday by September 30 who do have a “white band” are permitted on club grounds from 12-7pm. After 7pm they must be accompanied by a parent or person who is 15 years of age or older.
Bands and Testing
· The child’s ability to swim determines which section of pool/pools the child may use.
· Children 2 to 10 years of age who cannot pass the swimming requirements shall use the baby pool only.
· Children 2 to 10 years of age who cannot pass the band test may enter the main pool ONLY when accompanied by a person 15 years of age or greater.
· Children 11 to 14 who do not pass the swimming requirements years of age may use the shallow end of the main pool only.
· All guests under age 14 must be band tested.
· All guests must meet the same requirements as Members.
· Manager on duty will provide band testing at 1pm and 3pm daily. For exceptions, please see manager on duty.
· One band is issued for free upon completion of the test. Additional bands may be purchased for $2 at the front desk.
Children who can walk or swim to the center rope without any aid and can return may use the shallow end of the main pool only.
Children who have passed a 25 meter test and jump in the deep end of the main pool and tread water a minimum of one minute without touching the side, may use the entire main pool only.
Children who have passed a 50 meter test and jump in the deep end of the main pool and tread water a minimum of one minute without touching the side, earn the maximum band, and may use the main and diving pools.
Baby Pool Rules
· Parents must be on cement deck at all times when their child is in the water
· No smoking in the baby pool area
· Children over 6 with a blue band or a white band not permitted in the baby pool
· Children with red bands may use the baby pool only when supervised by an adult
· No running, jumping or diving
· No regular diapers in the baby pool; swim diapers only
· Ensure others’ safety by making sure gate is closed when entering and exit
· Please take home any pool toys daily or they will be discarded.
Main Pool Rules
· Children must wear their band at all times
· No running, diving, dunking or excessive horse play
· No ball play without the permission of the lifeguard on duty
· No hanging on the center rope or from the diving blocks
· Parents or a person over age 16 MUST be in the water with a child who does not have a band, you may not watch from the side. You must be within arms reach.
· No tubes or flotation devices unless during designated raft night
· Life Guards are here for your safety. If rules are violated, the life guards may remove anyone from the main pool for a designated amount of time.
Diving Well Rules
· Diving boards weight limit is 250 lbs.
· MUST have a white band or be over 14 years of age. NO exceptions.
· The diving well is open from 12-7pm daily
· Do not jump of board until previous diver has reached the ladder
· Do not go onto board until previous diver has gone off
· You must dive or jump once on the board. You may not retreat back down the ladder.
· Absolutely no horseplay will be tolerated while on the diving boards
· Swim-arounds are permitted at the discretion of the life guards
· Failure to observe the rules of the diving well could result in loss of diving privileges
Guests and Fees
· Members are responsible for the guests they bring into the club
· Children under the age of 14 must be band tested
· Wildcards are available for members to purchase any time throughout the season. This $100 one-time fee allows one guest to enter for free throughout the season as long as the member is present.
· No parties this season.
· Guest fees:
o Monday through Thursday: $5
o Friday through Sunday plus Holidays: $8
Snack Stand and Food Rules
· The snack stand is open daily from 12-8pm
· Bills larger than $20 cannot be accepted
· You may order hot food from outdoor restaurants to be delivered.
· If bringing in outside food or ordering from elsewhere, please provide your own plastic utensils and disposable plates and cups. The snack stand does not provide these items.
· Picnic tables are for eating only and may not be used to store belongings
· Please use trash and recycling bins accordingly. Please clean your trash off tables after using them.
· Snack stand may close early due to inclement weather
· If you would like to receive email updates from the club, simply provide a current email.
· “LIKE” us on Facebook to get current updates on daily club events and fundraisers
· Occasionally the club will be closed for scheduled activities. In advance of these events, the times will be posted on Facebook, emailed out and notices will be placed in the Club.
· Lawn service will be announced via email and Facebook. Please place your items on the concrete pool decks prior to the lawn being serviced.
· The swim club is not responsible for lost or stolen items
· Any issues during club hours may be addressed to the Manager on duty.